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[8C2]∎ Libro The Four Generations of Modern War eBook William S. Lind

The Four Generations of Modern War eBook William S. Lind

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Download PDF  The Four Generations of Modern War eBook William S. Lind

The Four Generations of Modern War is William S. Lind’s landmark lecture given at Quantico in 2000 that launched a continuing debate in many military circles. In this edited transcript of a later repetition of the original 50-minute lecture, Lind explains the conceptual framework of the Four Generations and goes briefly into detail describing the foundations and features of each of the Generations. He describes the gradual military transformation from Europe's post-Westphalian culture of state order to the global culture of non-state disorder as well as the resulting effects of these transformations on the battlefield and beyond.

From Westphalia and Waterloo to Oslo and Afghanistan, Lind provides informative historical examples of the Four Generation framework in action and explains its consequences for modern war. And in closing, he warns of how the development of Fourth Generation warfare may not favor the West in its ongoing, centuries-old clash with rival civilizations and cultures.

The Four Generations of Modern War eBook William S. Lind

Product details

  • File Size 2383 KB
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Castalia House (November 14, 2014)
  • Publication Date November 14, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  The Four Generations of Modern War eBook William S. Lind

Tags : The Four Generations of Modern War - Kindle edition by William S. Lind. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Four Generations of Modern War.,ebook,William S. Lind,The Four Generations of Modern War,Castalia House,HISTORY Military General,HISTORY Military Strategy

The Four Generations of Modern War eBook William S. Lind Reviews

this is more of a multi hour verbal presentation than a book, but right on the money in terms of information.Highly recommend
Are also Gen James Mattis 2014 CSIS talk on hybrid warfare and the modern military. Lots of speeches, panel discussions, etc throughout internet.
Mr. Lind may be one of the few who see the threat we face, both militarily and culturally. Our military leaders certainly don't. We are fighting an enemy without borders, willing to pay any price to achieve its goals, and fighting unhindered by rules they did not make and do not feel constrained to follow.

All of the above is aggravated by a West ignorant of this enemy and for reasons of political correctness, unwilling to call this enemy what it is.
The Four Generations of Modern Warfare is a must read for anyone interested in understanding why our military action in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Syria are not producing the traditional decisive results like those produced after World War II. We are fighting culture, religion, and history. If we continue on this path we are destined to lose.

4GW has also arrived here for our nation's law enforcement. The recent events in San Bernardino are proof its here, and it will only get worse. At the same time law enforcement is losing the public relations battle with the public. The police-public relationship is at its lowest point since the late 60s and early 70s.
William S. Lind provides the most rigorous and compelling intellectual framework to explain why our tactical wins don't add up to victory, and also identifies where the real strategic threat to America's future lies. ISIS is only a data point on a trendline Mr. Lind identified in the 1980s and that American politicians on both sides of the aisle not only can't conceptualize, but are actively exacerbating by destabilizing the Middle East. Guaranteed to challenge your bedrock assumptions about war.

Start here if you want a 30,000 ft snapshot of his 4GW framework. You won't be disappointed.
This release is a highly engaging, albeit short, summary of a fascinating topic. Lind appears to have what I look for in writers and speakers (since this is a modified transcript) a massive depth of knowledge, a willingness not to shy away from hard truths, and the ability to be concise without obfuscating. For readers hoping for a bulleted, step by step outline of the four generations of war cliff-notes style, you won't find that here. What you will get is a narrative that weaves between the different generations of warfare, constantly comparing, contrasting, and illustrating.

Not being highly knowledgeable on warfare, but having read Boyd, this work was very accessible. I'm sure those with more historical knowledge will appreciate the more references more than I did. In spite of that, I don't see any impediment to this work enlightening you, even if you have to spend a minute or two on google.

I will likely purchase Lind's other existing work because of the quality of this one.
This is a speech and not a book. I found it thought-provoking, but, since it is a speech, some of it was a little terse (hence 4 stars).

The author's thesis is that modern war began with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 where Europe arrogated the power to conduct war solely to the state. Since the state maintained order, war required order as well. Hence, marching, saluting, uniforms, and other customs and practices commonly associated who the military came into use.

European armies during the first generation consisted largely of soldiers who didn't want to fight and mainly wanted to desert. The second and third generations of war mutated into being by technological changes (the battlefield became much more lethal) and social changes (armies came to have many more soldiers who wanted to fight). World War II may represent the apex of war conducted by states.

Many non-state actors with grievances, or at least a desire to fight, have drawn the lesson that to fight a competent state military on its own terms is a loser's game. So, the fourth generation of war is arising. Technology is broadly disseminated and increasingly cheap so non-state actors can duplicate many advanced military capacities. As in the days before the Treaty of Westphalia (the old becoming new), war may be waged by parties other than the the state.

The author considers how state militaries should respond to this changing environment. If you have an interest in military history and strategy, I believe that you will find this worthwhile.
A short book but a real eye opener. This is a must read for every American and European that thinks we are prepared to deal with terrorism in world where the military answer to war is to through more hardware and men at the problem.

In this lecture, Lind calls the modern military on the carpet, and berates them for being the fatbody private that can't keep up in PT.

I rated this book 5 stars because it was so succinctly able to get the point across and leaving me hanging on until the 4th Generation Warfare Handbook is released next year.
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