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[MCC]⋙ Download Gratis Inside Gitmo The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition) Gordon Cucullu Damon Abdallah HarperCollins Books

Inside Gitmo The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition) Gordon Cucullu Damon Abdallah HarperCollins Books

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Download PDF  Inside Gitmo The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition) Gordon Cucullu Damon Abdallah HarperCollins Books

The U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay - known to the public as Gitmo - has been called the American Gulag, a scene of medieval horrors where innocent farmers and goat herders swept up in Afghanistan and Iraq have been sequestered, tortured, and abused for years on end without access to legal counsel or basic medical services.

Gordon Cucullu, a retired army colonel, was so appalled by these reports that he decided to see for himself. In a series of visits he inspected every corner of the camp and interviewed dozens of personnel, from guards and interrogators to cooks and nurses. The result - coming just as the Obama administration wants to close the facility - is a riveting description of daily life for both prisoners and guards. Cucullu describes the six camps reserved for different levels of compliance, details the treatment of prisoners, and examines their experiences in detail, including the techniques used to interrogate them, the food they eat, their medical care, how they communicate with one another, and the many ingenious ways they contrive to assault and injure their guards.

While some prisoners were indeed treated harshly in the early days, when the hastily built camp was flooded with battlefield captures and fears ran high of another 9/11-style attack, Cucullu finds that these excesses were quickly corrected. Current treatment and oversight routines exceed the standards of any maximum-security prison in the world.

Despite what the public has heard, these are not innocent goatherds but dedicated jihadists whose overriding goal - as they themselves candidly say - is to kill Americans. Should they now be released to return to the fight, perhaps on American soil? Read this book and decide for yourself.

Inside Gitmo The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition) Gordon Cucullu Damon Abdallah HarperCollins Books

This book is a worthwhile read for anyone with an interest in detainee operations at Guantánamo Bay that goes beyond a bumper sticker. The author provides a lot of information in a short space. He has a very conversational style, dividing the history both chronologically and topically, which causes him to occasionally repeats stories.

I'd like to specifically address the accusation of bias, which is a common criticism of this book. Yes, the author has a bias, and it's clearly stated. I disagree with the Amazon reader who rated the book 1 star merely because the author is a veteran. That's like saying that a doctor shouldn't be allowed to write a history of medicine.

However, I still recommend this book to potential readers. The bias isn't as bad as the 1-star raters accuse it of being. First, the book was published in 2009 (some of the information is dated), but makes predictions that have proven true. Six years later, Gitmo is still open for business, for reasons the author explores.

Second, while the author is quick to defend the enlisted guards who are routinely assaulted by detainees, and also the officers who've had their careers ruined when their names became attached to Guantánamo, he does not shy away from criticism. In a style more consistent with military than for-profit news companies, he identifies deficiences, explains what causes them, and offers recommendations to improve. Some readers want to dwell on bad news, but there are plenty of other books and exposés that offer this. Mr. Cucullu simply doesn't have the time to stop and dwell on each negative headline as he takes us from 2002 to 2008.

Third, if the critics had read to the end, they would have been surprised to see the author's admission that Gitmo may need to be closed. Though perhaps not for reasons that some critics would put forth, it's still there, and presents a challenge to those who accuse him of strong bias. Mr. Cucullu also dares to ask what to do if Gitmo is closed, but those questions don't fit neatly on a bumper sticker.

In short: if you really want to know about detainee operations at Guantánamo Bay, read multiple books. Read one by a lawyer that unquestioningly presents a detainee's version of the war, read one by a journalist who needs to sell sensational headlines, and read one by a soldier or sailor who spent a year getting poop thrown at her by combatants. Then read this book to sort out the confusing and wildly different accounts of Gitmo.

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 9 hours and 39 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher HarperCollins
  • Release Date December 9, 2011
  • Whispersync for Voice Ready
  • Language English
  • ASIN B006K0G6O8

Read  Inside Gitmo The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition) Gordon Cucullu Damon Abdallah HarperCollins Books

Tags : Inside Gitmo: The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition): Gordon Cucullu, Damon Abdallah, HarperCollins: Books, ,Gordon Cucullu, Damon Abdallah, HarperCollins,Inside Gitmo: The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay,HarperCollins,B006K0G6O8
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Inside Gitmo The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition) Gordon Cucullu Damon Abdallah HarperCollins Books Reviews

Like most people in the world... all I had heard about was the horrendous treatment of prisoners at Gitmo. As an honorably discharged Viet Nam era Veteran, I was even heavily swayed by a prior book by a newly graduated law student's descriptions of her experiences at Gitmo. The preponderance of dehumanizing media reporting was making me worry about the moral leadership of my country. Obviously the author of this book, retired Army Colonel Gordon Cucullu, was engulfed with the same sickly feeling. Thank goodness Colonel Cucullu decided to get to the bottom of things... by going to Gitmo... walking and inspecting almost every square foot of the prison... interviewing guards... doctors... nurses... and interrogators. The author debunks almost every single slanderous, defaming, exaggeration and lie... that has been slung at this great... but not perfect... country of ours.

Throughout this detailed and heavily documented book the author does away with the false claims of lack of respect being shown to the Koran... removes all doubt as to hideously described tortures... other than honestly confirming some torture for a very short time in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 while America was still reeling from the hideous attacks... before the current controls and guidelines were quickly put in place. I'm sure the media does not publicize that the detainees get better food than our own guards at Gitmo... we spend $34.00 per day on food for detainees... while we spend only $17.00 per day on food for our soldiers in combat.
They also don't publicize the medical attention that is at the beckon call of all prisoners. Detainees get better medical attention than any of them ever got in their own country... "The detainees have ultramodern digitalized X-ray equipment in their hospital that is NOT available to the soldiers and civilians at the Guantanamo Base." If they don't feel well in the morning... they simply complain and get taken to the infirmary... where among other things... they share and disseminate information that can be used to start hunger strikes... or even lead to clandestine signals to outside cells through meetings with lawyers.

Colonel Cucullu also shines a light on the standardized detainee declarations such as "I'm just a farmer"... "I'm just a shepherd"... and also the immediate decrying by each and every detainee about the cruel torture and brutalization... which always seems eerily similar... and here's the reason why They have found Al Qaeda training manuals... which instruct their followers on what to claim is their occupation... and what type of torture they should bemoan to the always gullible world press. The United States has gotten a costly education as to the type of individuals that wind up in Gitmo... "THE WORST OF THE WORST... WITH A STATED GOAL TO CAPTURE GUARDS OR INTERPRETERS AND KILL THEM OR HOLD THEM FOR BLACKMAIL PURPOSES; FAILING THAT, TO TORTURE, DISMEMBER AND BEHEAD ANY AMERICAN THEY COULD CATCH."

The guards are called every denigrating racial and human slur in the book... yet they can't answer back... they are attacked... yet they can't strike back... the detainees "THROW SPIT, URINE, FECES, VOMIT, AND SEMEN AT GUARDS AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY... THEY CURSE, THREATEN, AND TELL GUARDS THAT THEY WILL HAVE THEIR AL QAEDA FRIENDS RAPE AND MURDER THEIR FAMILIES"... yet they can't retaliate or they'll be court martialled.

"The cases at Gitmo have been thoroughly documented not only by the military itself but by outside agencies including the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice... that said, VIGOROUS AND PROLONGED INVESTIGATIONS COVERING MORE THAN TWENTY-FOUR-THOUSAND INTERROGATION SESSIONS INSIDE GUANTANAMO OVER A THREE YEAR PERIOD REVEALED A TOTAL OF THREE VIOLATIONS." That's a record that for some reason doesn't make the nightly news.

What kind of people are detained here??... Here's an answer from someone who knows... "Major Timothy O'Reilly, who worked as a Gitmo operations officer in 2005, said that he had never really encountered what he considered evil men before. "I worked as a defense attorney for years in the California penal system," he said. "But it wasn't until I walked those blocks and looked into some of those eyes that I realized what true evil was." "I read the classified reports of what they had done in al Qaeda or the Taliban. These were people who had committed the most awful crimes, who lacked even the most basic humanity when it came to the victims of their actions. They weren't soldiers; they were stone, conscienceless killers. You could see it in their eyes." "How would he describe the look?" "THERE WAS AN EMPTINESS OF ALL HUMANITY IN THOSE EYES. IT WAS VACUOUSNESS OF A SOUL."

**When confronted at Guantanamo by an angry sergeant from his home state, Senator Ted Kennedy was asked where he wanted to keep "people like that who want to kill you and your family." "HE WAS UNABLE TO DO MORE THAN SHRUG AND WALK AWAY."

There better be a better answer than that!
This book, although dated by now, is an excellent and factual review of the real conditions and operations at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. Anyone who is interested in the real truth, can learn a lot from this book.
Written by a veteran who was interested in knowing the truth about why Guantanamo was being run as he read in the news. To no surprise, the media was less than factual. Yes, there were some bad seeds overseeing this place in the past but its not anything close to prison and is completely transparent in the operation. Also speaks of the courts involvement in closing the facility.
Wonder why it cost so much to operate? Read this and you'll see who's hands are tied!
Somewhat tedious and needs editing, as it repeats things. For anyone who wants to know the truth instead of the "fake" news on the detainees and their imprisonment.
This book is a worthwhile read for anyone with an interest in detainee operations at Guantánamo Bay that goes beyond a bumper sticker. The author provides a lot of information in a short space. He has a very conversational style, dividing the history both chronologically and topically, which causes him to occasionally repeats stories.

I'd like to specifically address the accusation of bias, which is a common criticism of this book. Yes, the author has a bias, and it's clearly stated. I disagree with the reader who rated the book 1 star merely because the author is a veteran. That's like saying that a doctor shouldn't be allowed to write a history of medicine.

However, I still recommend this book to potential readers. The bias isn't as bad as the 1-star raters accuse it of being. First, the book was published in 2009 (some of the information is dated), but makes predictions that have proven true. Six years later, Gitmo is still open for business, for reasons the author explores.

Second, while the author is quick to defend the enlisted guards who are routinely assaulted by detainees, and also the officers who've had their careers ruined when their names became attached to Guantánamo, he does not shy away from criticism. In a style more consistent with military than for-profit news companies, he identifies deficiences, explains what causes them, and offers recommendations to improve. Some readers want to dwell on bad news, but there are plenty of other books and exposés that offer this. Mr. Cucullu simply doesn't have the time to stop and dwell on each negative headline as he takes us from 2002 to 2008.

Third, if the critics had read to the end, they would have been surprised to see the author's admission that Gitmo may need to be closed. Though perhaps not for reasons that some critics would put forth, it's still there, and presents a challenge to those who accuse him of strong bias. Mr. Cucullu also dares to ask what to do if Gitmo is closed, but those questions don't fit neatly on a bumper sticker.

In short if you really want to know about detainee operations at Guantánamo Bay, read multiple books. Read one by a lawyer that unquestioningly presents a detainee's version of the war, read one by a journalist who needs to sell sensational headlines, and read one by a soldier or sailor who spent a year getting poop thrown at her by combatants. Then read this book to sort out the confusing and wildly different accounts of Gitmo.
Ebook PDF  Inside Gitmo The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Audible Audio Edition) Gordon Cucullu Damon Abdallah HarperCollins Books

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